How to install


SilenceRemover is an extension (zxp file) .

It cannot be installed in ScriptsUI Panels folder like most scripts. Please follow the instructions below.

The easiest and recommended way for installing SilenceRemover is to use aescripts + aeplugins manager app. This software allows to automatically install and keep up to date all your aescripts tools, including SilenceRemover, without having to download them manually.

ZXP installer (manual installation)

This method is not recommended as you will have to download and install the files manually for each new version of SilenceRemover.

  1. Download SilenceRemover from My Downloads & Licenses in your aescripts account.

  2. Unzip the zxp file.

  3. Use ZXP Installer to install the zxp file.


  1. After installing SilenceRemover, restart Premier Pro .

  2. In Premier Pro, go to the Window menu.

  3. Open Extensions menu.

  4. Click on Silence Remover.

Last updated